Please use the form below to register parents/Caregivers interest to enrol their child at Rainbow Kids for possible future placement
Name *
Phone Number *
E-Mail *
Address *
Relationship to child (eg: parent) *
Childs name: *
Childs date of birth *
Preferred start date *
Preferred days/times:
Monday from: (eg: 8am)
to: (eg: 5pm)
Tuesday from: (eg: 8am)
To (eg: 5pm)
Wednesday from: (eg: 8am)
Thursday from: (eg: 8am)
Friday from: (eg: 8am)
Are your days flexible?
Are your times flexible?
How did you hear about us? *
By signing, I, the parent/guardian of the student named above, consent to the collection, use, and storage of my child’s personal information. I understand that this information will be kept confidential and will be used only for the purposes stated above. I understand that this form alone does not confirm my child’s enrolment. *